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Friday, August 12, 2016

What You Need to Know About Stage 1 Lung Cancer

What You Need to Know About Stage 1 Lung Cancer

Lung cancer is known as one of the conditions most lethal. Almost all people realize that smoking is the cause of most common to this condition. However, people also have to realize that this isn't exclusive to smokers, active smoking is the second hand can also experience the condition. Amount of nicotine in cigarettes is a poison and it can cause cells to evolve not normal.

exposure excessive to karsinogenik materials, pollution, radiation and consumption of alcohol excessively can trigger the growth of abnormal cells in the lungs. There are two types of lung cancer, SCLC and NSCLC or karsinoma cells are small, lung cancer is not cells little. In the early stages of cancer, growth of abnormal cells in the tumour can only be found in the lungs. During the phases of this disease, the tumour is still benign and not attack the sap white nearby and the network.

Symptoms of lung cancer Stage I

Detection of the early symptoms of lung cancer need treatment immediately that could result in the level of survival higher. Some symptom of this condition including:

· Cough persisten or chronics, also known as "choking smokers"

· Has difficulty breathing because of the constriction channel breath

· Pain and discomfort in the chest

· Breathing shallow with the sound of wheezing

· Traces of blood in the dahak or hemoptisis

· The infection recurring on the lungs like pneumonia and bronkitis

· Change the sound husky voice or sore throat

· A decrease in body weight all of a sudden

· Generalized weakness of the body and exhausted with the pain body

Prognosis of lung cancer Stage I

lung cancer 1 often early stage or phase easy to handle, especially if the diagnosis was done before. Various test diagnostics including MRI scans, CT scans, tests, x-ray and biopsy tissue in the lungs. Once through this test, procedure, treatment is then given, and this will include chemotherapy and therapeutic radiation. Summary of the conditions determined by the age and health overall condition of the patient, the severity symptoms and the stadium cancer.

hope life is good and this is because the diagnosis is timely and treatment is appropriate. The level of survival, on the other hand, also higher because the condition has been detected in the early stages. Notice that the immediate diagnosis and treatment delivery can help stop the spread of cancer and reduce the symptoms brought by the condition. Unfortunately, this is not the same for the condition of the cancer stadium IV.

Lung cancer stadium IV is considered as a can not be cured because of the fact that metastasis has occurred. This means that the cancer cells have surpassed the lungs and is plagued part of the body is different. This is the reason why You should be very familiar with the symptoms. In the event that You are experiencing the symptoms above, first thing You need to do is consult with Your doctor to diagnosis right and treatment immediately the condition.

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