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Friday, August 12, 2016

Prognosis for Small Cell Lung Cancer: Face It Fighting

Prognosis for Small Cell Lung Cancer: Face It Fighting

Summary for cell small lung cancer is not good news. After that means You have a savage (cancer) cells aggressive in the tissue lung. If not stopped, cells cancer it will spread and destroy the cells healthy. Lung cancer is the leading cause of death affecting hundreds of thousands of men and women. Only 5% of are found suffering managed to survive in the period of study of five years. 95% don't, despite radiation, chemotherapy or surgery. Another kind of lung cancer is non-cell small. This is classified into 3 subtipe, karsinoma sel skuamosa or epidermoid, determination and karsinoma sel big or anaplastik. All three have a level of resilience to live the low.

As cancer cells small is to be determined by way of staging that is widespread. Treatment will be planned and implemented based on the stage of the disease. One way to find out is the system of clinical trials based on test results pencitraan like CT scan, MRI, chest examination X-ray, exploration of pet, biopsy and physical organization. If You have had surgery, the doctor can tell the difference based on the phase patologis. You've probably already heard or know 1,2,3,4 phase, in describing cancer. This is the system that uses Roman numeral 0 IV (4) to describe the growth and spread of the TNM lung cancer stadium. Under this system, the higher the number, the more serious is the spread of cancer.

With cancer or oat lung cells are small, it can be restricted or extended. Because the diagnosis of the disease is usually detected when the cancer is already spread, most people have the kind of vast. What that means is that the cancer cells have invaded other parts of the body to enter the brain. Outlook the survival or prognosis for a cell small lung cancer is bad news for the majority of victims of cancer. According to statistics NSC, the level of survival was very low for all stages of people with cell small lung cancer.

There are many stories of people who have lost hope, he went into depression and blame themselves after was diagnosed suffering from lung cancer. They stand against the conditions they are addicted to smoking. In spite of the smoke tobacco, the finding of medical examiner concluded the cause of others, like pollution, exposure to a chemical as dangerous as asbestos, uranium, radon, etc. the Lungs are responsible for carrying oxygen in the body as breathing and release the carbon dioxide You expel breath. When the lungs get affected with lung cancer, shortness of breath, pain the chest, etc.

How do You cope with life as fighters survivors cancer? There are many ways that You can fight against the know whether this is going to be posture. Belief, confidence, determination to lead the battle against the opponent and the faith that strong in any situation that the will of the creator is very important. So, the first thing You need to do is to know the weakness and the strength of Your enemy. You need to educate yourself on the meander lung cancer, the latest treatment laser hi tech or with cells, and treatment alternatives. Try to find a lot of success story, can be found from all sources on the web through search Google, sites organization cancer research like the American Cancer Society and the National Cancer Institute.

You have to change the style of Your life. Get a lot of sunlight and fresh air, eat a lot of fruit, nuts and vegetables and take a lot of vitamins and supplements a natural as the maqui berries, pomegranates and barley green. Drink a lot of water pure every day, involved in moderates regular simple exercise, yoga and meditation. For the welfare of the spiritual You, the fellowship and pray every day, your god.

Do it with passion and with the help of Your doctor, friends, relatives and the loved ones. Although the prognosis is bad for the cell small lung cancer, a lifestyle change can improve the quality of Your life and maybe even the winner. Join survivors network, cancer social Club. There is over 400000 survivors from lung cancer in the United States. Join a forum and read the blog. In short, take the position of active and face Your battle standing up with Your army of fighters and supporters from all over the world, hoping, urging, encouraging, inspiring, motivating, pushing and praying for You to fight all win or lose! I think You win!

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