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Friday, August 12, 2016

Stage 3 Lung Cancer

Stage 3 Lung Cancer

Cancer is the growth of uncontrolled cells is abnormal. The growth of abnormal cell in one or both lungs may indicate lung cancer. Cell-the cell that is abnormal have a tendency to grow, but not develop into a network of the lungs are healthy. Research has shown that 87% of lung cancer related to smoking. The risk is reduced further if people stop smoking.

How far the cancer has spread be categorized as phase different. the phase depends on the size of the tumor and has spread to the areas. The doctors decided how to treat the cancer based on stage.

Cancer terlokalisasi in part certain of the lungs defined as step 1. If it has spread to the glands sap white at the top of his lungs, defined as Phase 2. Cancer spread to the wall of the chest for 3. There's a possibility that the cancer has spread to other parts of the body like trakea or heart, once it reaches stage 3. at the time there may be collection of fluid around the lungs containing cell-cell tumour.

Symptoms of lung cancer can vary from patient to patient. Symptoms common is cough and the formation constant of dahak with signs of blood in it. They are symptoms more clearly like a voice, or trouble swallowing husky. Sometimes there is swelling in cancer.

Lung cancer can be treated with various methods like surgery, therapeutic radiation or chemotherapy. Doctors determine treatment depending on the stadium the cancer has reached. In the early stages, patients can be treated with chemotherapy or radiation. Usually surgery recommended to lift the tumor ferocity found on the cancer of the 3 stages of the lungs. If that's not enough, doctors remove the lungs to reduce the growth of cancer cells. Some patients given the combination treatment. chemotherapy given before surgery for treatment to be effective.

It is very important to detect cancer in the early stages for treatment to be effective. How cancer spreads, treatment becomes more complicated.

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