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Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Lung Cancer Types - Your Information About This Killer Disease

Lung Cancer Types - Your Information About This Killer Disease

It is important to know the type of lung cancer to treat. Two types of primary lung cancer is cancer cell small lung (SCLC) and lung cancer not cells small (NSCLC). Type of SCLC spread to other parts of the body very quickly and above treated with chemotherapy. Chemotherapy is also combined with surgery or therapeutic radiation for the treatment of SCLC. To determine the kind of a person has a sample of a tumor cancer taken, surgery. Sometimes the sap white also removed to determine the presence of cancer in it. treatment begins after you determine the type of cancer.

Chemotherapy is used to stop the growth and spread of lung cancer outside the lung and a tumor in another part of the body treated with radioterapi.

A onkologi radiation might suggest to radioterapi to the brain to prevent cancer spread in the body, even if cancer is not present in the brain. Type of therapy radiation brain called iradiasi kranial profilaksis. Because radiation can affect brain function if exposed to radiation, consult the right very important to doctors and patients. In an attempt to remove the growth of cancer in the spine and the bone fails, it can bring great comfort to patients to relieve some of the symptoms of cancer.

Cancer non-small lung cancer cells are very slow-growing, slowly spreading to other parts of the body. early stages of the diagnosis cancer NSCLC can be treated with surgery. Radioterapi or chemotherapy can be used to slow the growth of cancer cells and also to relieve the symptoms of cancer besides surgery. The treatment of NSCLC radioterapi can be done on a patient who can not undergo surgery because of his medical condition. If lung cancer has spread to the glands to the sap white or network sap white of therapy radiation neighbors is the best way to treat lung cancer are not cells little. Pain due to cancer can deduct if therapy radiation given to patients. Therapy radiation help patients to breathe easier by opening the air duct. It is important to mendiagnosis the type of cancer and the area that has cancer. The first step will be to stop the growth of cancer cells, and then treat them with therapy that is appropriate.

Statistics show that about 20% of lung cancer is SCLC and 80% are NSCLC. Karsinoma sel oat is another name for SCLC. Depending on the type of cells make a type of NSCLC, the category is adenocarcinoma, karsinoma sel skuamosa and karsinoma sel big. Adenokarsinoma found in smokers, as well as cigarettes. The karsinoma sel skuamosa located in the area of the chest's center. And kind of the most common is karsinoma sel big karsinoma dibeda-differentiate.

Lung cancer can also happen because of the spread of the cancer to the lungs from another part where there is the growth of the cancer spread in the lungs and more often on the lungs peripheral vision. Another kind of lung cancer and a tumor karsinoid bronkial affect the network of supporters of the lungs and the blood vessels.

I know one there's a lot of information about lung cancer that spread all over the web, and I know I can get a bit 'sad to go through a lot. I life compiled everything investigated so it can be useful for other people. I took months of research in the guide useful. No charge of course and I think You will appreciate the simplicity. About While You're in there, You will find this article on this type of lung cancer and many items other useful, very straight forward.

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