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Monday, August 15, 2016

Lung Cancer and Its Stages of Malignancy

Lung cancer, like keganasan other, is the outcome of abnormalities the cell, which is unity important to the life of the human body. Normally, the body maintains the control of the growth of cells and system balancing so that cells can divide in the production cell fresh only if there is a need for cells new. If the control system was disturbed and balance the growth of cells that will produce the uncontrolled and spread of cells that form the end into a mass called a tumor.

The Tumor has two categories, the tumour is benign and ferocious. Usually, a tumor disorder can be lifted and stationary in nature, they do not spread to organs other or part of the body. a ferocious, grow bold and attack any other part or tissue of the body, allowing entry of the cells the tumor into the system limfatik or blood circulation and some other locations inside the human body.

Metastasis is the process difusi cell-cell tumour and growth place a tumor at sites distant known as metastasis. Because lung cancer tends to disperse or bermetastasis early after it was formed, it is very dangerous and hard to treat cancer. While lung cancer can spread to the organs of certain organs specified as the heart, bones, brain and glands adrenal cortex is the site common for metastasis lung cancer.

Metastasis the tumour is made up of the same kind of cells the tumor original. his is a position that is very common for metastasis of a tumor in some part of the body. For example, if cancer of his prostate spreading through the blood stream to the lungs, he could not have lung cancer but cancer of his prostate the metastasis in the lungs.

The exchange of gases between blood and the air that we breathe if the role of the main lungs. Carbon dioxide is taken from the blood stream through the lungs and oxygen from air blows to penetrate into the blood stream. Bronkus is the air duct the main entrance to the lungs the trakea. Bronkus different in a little bit the air known as bronkiolus that ended up on the bag minutes called alveoli where the exchange of gas happens. The walls of the lungs and chest is covered by a thin tissue known as the pleura.

Lung cancer can result in some parts of the lungs, but 90-95 percent of lung cancer is considered from cells epitel; Cells that coats the air the big and the small (bronchi and bronchioles); For this reason, lung cancer is called a tumor sometimes broncogenic or karsinoma. (Carcinoma is a term other to cancer). Mesothelioma is a type of cancer that develops from the pleura or rarely from supporting tissues in the lungs, the blood vessels, for example.

The doctor may use some tests to stage accurate lung cancer, covering the test chemical in the blood, CT scan, MRI, x-ray, scan the PET and do a scan bone. the result is abnormal in the test chemical blood can show metastasis in the liver or the bones and the process of radiology can document the size of the cancer even scatter.

Staging lung cancer is very important to determine how the tumor can be treated, because therapy lung cancer who were made to stage certain. Staging a tumor is also serious in an estimated prognosis of the patient, have the highest usually karsinoma have a diagnosis of stage lower keganasan.

Cancer of the assigned steps in the following:

-phase I - cancer is limited to lungs only
-phase II and III, the cancer is confined to the chest (with a tumor bigger and more persistent, classified into phase III).
- phase IV - the cancer has scattered from the chest and the rest of the body.

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