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Friday, August 12, 2016

Common Causes of Lung Cancer

Common Causes of Lung Cancer

There are various a risk factor associated with lung cancer. The cause of the known most common are as follows:


Smoking maybe is the connection more closely associated with the development lung cancer. Someone who smokes two pack or more of cigarettes per day have a chance of one out of seven lung cancer. Those who smoke one pack of cigarettes a day have twenty-five times more likely to develop lung cancer than non-smokers. Besides, those who smoke pipe or cigar have a five times more likely exposed to lung cancer than non-smokers.

The risk of developing cancer of the lung increases with the number of cigarettes smoked during the cycle of life. Cigarettes damage smoke the cells in the lungs. When You quit smoking, Your lungs begin healing themselves, replacing broken cells with the normal cells healthy. The risk of developing lung cancer starts dropping immediately when You quit smoking. Every year that You don't smoke, probably exposed to lung cancer drop further. With XV years, the chance of developing lung cancer that is almost the same with those of people who never smoked.

smoking passive

Also known as smoker's passive, people exposed to cigarette smoke regularly will have a risk bigger hit with lung cancer, even if they don't smoke themselves. Research has shown that those who live with smokers have a risk of 24% bigger exposed to lung cancer than most cigarettes. Doctors estimate that some 3,000 deaths due to lung cancer per year associated with cigarette smoke.

exposure asbestos

Exposure asbestos is another cause famous of lung cancer and mesothelioma - cancer in the layer of the pleura the lungs. Asbestos is widely used in construction and products day-to-day in the year 1800 through 1960. asbestos separates into fibers silika smooth is trapped in a network of the lungs. Mesothelioma associated closely with exposure asbestos. There are cases reported of mesothelioma in people who haven't exposed to asbestos at work or through their environment. A non-smokers are exposed to asbestos have a risk five times more likely exposed to lung cancer than non-smokers who haven't been exposed to. smoking dramatically increases the risk - a smoker who was exposed to asbestos has a risk of developing lung cancer that's 50 to 90 times higher than non-smokers.

the gas radon

It's estimated that about 12% of deaths due to lung cancer can be associated with the gas radon, not colored, odorless gas that is a natural products from peluruhan uranium. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency estimates that more than 15% of the homes in U.S. have dangerous levels of the gas radon, which will take into account 15.000 to 22,000 a death due to lung cancer every year.

pollution air

Scientists estimate that as much as 1% of all death due to lung cancer are caused by the pollution of the air. They believe that contact too long with the air very polluted can increase the risk exposed to lung cancer with the level of smokers passive.

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