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Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Lung Cancer - One of the Most Fatal Illnesses in the World

Lung Cancer - One of the Most Fatal Illnesses in the World

Lung cancer is a disorder of development that are not under control of cell-cell network of the lungs. The growth of this can cause metastasis, spread to tissue adjacent and through the lungs prematurely. This is the most popular cause of death cancer in men and second most common in women.

Symptoms common of lung cancer:
1. his chest up and down constantly
2. coughing constantly be serious
3. shortness of breath, gasping or huskiness
4. problem constant with pneumonia or bronkitis
5. coughing blood
6. Inflammation of the neck and face
7. Loss of appetite or decrease in weight is significant
8. exhausted

Types of lung cancer:

         Cancer lung cell small. happens when cells are vicious form in a network of the lungs.
Lung cancer small to have three kinds, classified according to the form of development like cancer cells. This is:

1. Karsinoma sel small
2. The cell was small and karsinoma sel big.
3. Public karsinoma sel small.

The third kind of may contain several cell types. Cell-cell tumour of all kinds can grow and multiply in a different way.

Lung Cancer Stadium Cell Small

Stage limited - the cancer begins in the tissues the lungs and glands sap white adjacent. the sap white small, the structure is shaped beans in near the lungs.

stage - Cancer has spread outside the lungs to other parts of the body.
B. lung cancer cells big is a disease in which cells vicious form in a network of the lungs.

Five types of lung karsinoma sel big

Five types of lung karsinoma cells big have a variety of different cell-cancer cells. Cells-cancer cells of every type of product and the increase in the effect of the unusual:

1. cell skuamosa karsinoma - the cancer begins in the cells skuamosa, cells are flat thin which look like scales of a fish. It's called karsinoma epidermoid.
2. Karsinoma sel - cancer where the cells are big and seem irregular when examined under a microscope.
3. adenosquamous karsinoma - cancer that begins in cells. Cells-the cancer cells look firm when inspected under a microscope.
4. adenokarsinoma - cancer that begins in the group activity of the gland.
5. Non-distinguished karsinoma - cancer cells that don't seem normal. They spread quickly.


1. Surgery - Surgery is an ideal spot to lung cancer. The body normally open to the lungs to be treated directly.
2. Radiation is the treatment of public for lung cancer. Therapy radiation uses beams of energetic high to destroy the cells of cancer. Distress cells only in the area that is being treated.

Radiation external was the treatment of the most common of radiation for a lung cancer. radiation comes from outside the huge tracts of Your body. Most people go to the hospital or clinic for treatment. The treatment is usually 5 days a week for more than a few weeks.

b. exposure internal rarely. Radiation is released from a seed, wire, or device of another, for the body.

Treat lung cancer cells big:

Chemotherapy - that is the treatment of cancer using drugs to prevent the increase of cancer cells. Drugs taken orally or be injected into the vena and muscle to destroy the cancer cells. This medicine went in the blood flow to the treatment cell, a tumor in the body. When chemotherapy is placed directly into the spine, organs or cavities of the body like the stomach, the drug anxiety this usually cells cancer in parts or Laser therapy - laser is used to kill cells-cancer cells.

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