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Monday, August 15, 2016

What is Involved in Lung Cancer Surgery?

When suffering from lung cancer, it's easy to know that You have a lot of choice treatment, but can also be a lot of. Recommended to re-evaluate every choice the treatment and find out what will be involved in every choice medication or surgery. If You suffer lung cancer is the top choice to choose from is: reseksi wedge, the operation lobektomi, surgery pneumonectomy, chemotherapy and radioterapi.

There are three options for operation, reseksi Cuneo, lobektomi and pneumonectomy. Most often reseksi from Cuneo to do, and that is the removal of a small part of the lungs (part of cancer) together with the tissue around it. This operation can be done to mendiagnosis lung cancer or to remove a tumor. During the intervention this part in the shape of a wedge lung removed, the surgeon closes the incision, a chest tube inserted and a chest tube removed later. Risk operation which involves risk of general anesthesia, the risks common surgery and You may have some trouble breathing after surgery.

A lobektomi is the removal of a from the lungs and is generally done to remove the tumour tissue and the cancer has spread. The size of incision and tissue taken depends on the extent of the condition. During the operation, the surgeon will stop the supply of blood and a air. The surgeon will remove the a, and will likely be removed gland the sap white in the vicinity of a tumor to see how far the cancer has spread; this is to make sure that all of the cancer and the tumour was lifted.

A pneumonectomy is the removal of the entire lung. Often serve as a source of last for cancer to the lungs because it gets worse surgery and risk after the surgery too. Candidates for this operation should have good health, a strong heart stronger and function of the lungs. They should be strong enough for surgery, recovery, and the heart and lungs must be strong enough to handle the increased load. This operation is used on a patient lung cancer in the early stages they were, before the cancer spreads to the surrounding area. The advantage of this operation is that by removing the entire lung cancer, it makes You far more likely to suffer from cancer over and over and over.

Besides surgery, You might want to consider therapy a cure for cancer called chemotherapy. Chemotherapy uses drugs to kill cells that grow and divide quickly, including cells-cancer cells and, unfortunately, cells hair. drugs chemotherapy can be given through a vein in the arm, or can be taken orally. drug chemotherapy was given with the patterns, and disturbance, in particular to ensure the best result. Chemotherapy can be used with surgery, radiation is used with or used alone.

Radiation is most often used in combination with chemotherapy. Therapy radiation is the use of the higher power beam of energy that was used to kill cells-cancer cells. They can be directed right at the cancer from outside the area of the body, or You can put a needle in Your skin and use the beams through the eye of a needle.

A method of more new of the treatment of cancer are called targeted therapy drugs. There are two recommended therapy medicine different targeted to lung cancer. They are bevacizumab, Avastin, Tarceva or Tarceva and. Also, if Your cancer is more advanced then You might want to consider clinical trials or treatments more supportive.

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