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Monday, August 15, 2016

Lung Cancer - So Much Advice, So Little Time

As a survivor of lung cancer while it's constantly to find things that I think might be useful for anyone who has been diagnosed with lung cancer and those around people.

I always read articles written by people who have opinions about what is right and wrong way to treat lung cancer, and most of them have benefit in the fact that they're usually backed up with some facts and evidence, but I haven't read anything that would give me confidence to say, "this will cure your lung cancer."

I'm sure there are some things that are very interesting ricercandi out there who wish to give step-a step in the right direction as tidbits of this information came from 'an update of cancer Johns Hopkins' that I received at the end of February.

The article begins with reminding us that we all have cells-cancer cells are lurking in the body will be held in check by the immune system. When the immune system our bodies strong and at work, cells-cancer cells are destroyed before they can multiply and form a tumor. When someone is diagnosed with cancer is an indication that there is a collapse of the defense that provides the immune system. So what caused the failure? Generally the arrival of cancer is an indication of lack of nutrition. This can be caused by factors genetic, factors environmental or patterns, eating and lifestyle. Diet is solid, including supplements is the key to keeping the immune system strong and working.

Where did Johns Hopkins start to change their thoughts about chemotherapy and radioterapi as the only way to grope to remove the cancer.

For those of You who are not familiar with the 'Batman and treatment of cancer, we will start with chemotherapy.

Chemotherapy poisons cancer cells thrived that is a good thing. Weakness from the chemotherapy, that know no bounds then destroy 'pesatnya growth cells healthy quickly. Chemotherapy can also cause damage to liver, kidneys, heart, lungs etc. There are various medicine You can take while undergoing chemotherapy and treatment radioterapi that will help in remediasi things like red and very important in You would struggle and the survival of the white blood cells, but this give help short-term.

Radiation is a bit 'more cut and dry in its effect destroys the cells of cancer but is also destructive to cells healthy and can ruin organs, healthy tissue. Radiation is the proverbial 'Bull' in the 'glass' of the body. I could write three pages about the effect straight from the second to the human body, but I think You get the point, both have the potential to damage a very good. About the consequences of long-term, as a victim to lung cancer at this time for three years, I'm not sure that the long-term mean. It sounds like the other articles for another time.

Although both chemotherapy and radioterapi can reduce the size of the tumor, when the body has a lot have the poison imposed by the second, the immune system can be compromised or destroyed altogether. This is what almost took my life in June 07 when I found myself against the infection with the immune system of the body is very drained. Equivalent to fight a lion with a toothpick. Fortunately for me, I ended up in intensive care before a variety of the infection that raged through I have come to put an end to me.

Chemotherapy and radiation can also cause cancer cells mutate and become resistant and difficult to destroy.

With myself, the operation wasn't an option. There's a fear with lung cancer cells my little spread quickly expose the cells, then surgery isn't an option all the time. I'm going to tell You so much, both of them together, chemotherapy combined with radiation, including the treatment that I received for lung cancer karsinoma cells are small, treatment has become the driving force behind the struggle me and help me to stay alive for as long as I have.

So here it is, the thought of John Hopkins is that the way effective for fighting cancer is by making it to starve the cancer cells by not making food the cells this breed that they have.

According to Johns Hopkins, robs the cancer cells of the things like sugar and sugar substitute, salt, milk, beef and pork, as well as coffee, chocolate and tea, and most will have a impact positive very big in the fight. As far as water is concerned don't drink the tap water be purified or filtered or water suling.

A Diet that consists of 80% vegetables and fresh fruit, grain, nuts and acorns a little 'fruit combined with about 20% of the food being cooked including beans would be ideal to move Your body from the ground, acid soil for cancer cells to an environment equally healthy and more. I can't begin to tell You the benefits of juice the vegetables fresh that will live an enzyme in Your system within 15 minutes to help increase growth of cells healthy. I'd add that the introduction to vegetable organic food and in the system I have become the key component of the success of the cancer early. There are some very good books diet cancer in a library local to You that can help You get on the right track, as well as the internet and provider healthcare You will also be able to answer Your question, the point is to do research in the field of cancer diet right and nutrition can mean the difference between life and death.

This is also talking about the importance of supplements appropriate to help build the immune system. I will also say to think about the importance of vitamin D for the health of the human body. Exercise day-to-day can be a simple as walking for half an hour in a day, and breathe in in helping get more oxygen to the cells, because cells-cancer cells can't thrive in this environment beroksigen. Johns Hopkins also talk about keeping the attitude positive and try to limit stress as a key to fight a battle to win.

I agree with all the things You say, (as You so often on here?) Can I ask, "Why change drastically in a diet You will have dramatic effect on Your health?" I really need at this time for You?

You might want to sit down when You read this next part if You fear for the things that are so clear as the nose on Your face.

We pay more attention to start with what we start eating, we can't possibly be the state to discuss health issues more then the whole world. I'm not just talking about cancer. I'm also talking about heart problems, hypertension, stroke, heart attack, diabetes, and may include a number of things you now take one of the hundreds of new drug is advertised constantly lately. In this case, I don't ever think You are when You're listening to the various side effects of all it is advertised that the miracle of a new more dangerous for one's health, so what ever it is that they take care of? Here's the thoughts of other to You, how many the recipe just finally needed to fight the side effects of the prescription before You never needed to begin with? I don't want to ask too much off topic, but mania recipe that we've so easily fallen into the well coincide with the amount of choice nutrition bad that we make. We have become the company's "happy meal", is surrounded by a portion of the giant's products is beyond question. We're too busy to prepare our food then eat fast food and pre made dinner packed in the plastic bins to comfort us. The problem is that we don't know the quality of the product and container we warm up with the oven microwave to release the poison in the food we eat when we warmed up. not even going to discuss the various chemicals that have been used to grow our food, or the amount of poison that bends we try to make teeth whiter, your breath fresh our our skin tight. The amount of kids who're born with autisme, coupled with the increase in the stable of a disease change the life that we deal with that should tell us something. The epidemic obesitas in this country should tell us something.

We can look back on few decades the last and watching the trail of destruction personal that we open up if You want to leave with a foreclosure the bank in the family of nations who owned the farm which I believe is the beginning of things all the way through the early decades wealthy get wealth the paper is supported by the value of real estate excessively has helped us reach a little 'more far and then we have a business any reach. Lead us to today where unemployment and foreclosure bring us back down to earth that we're continue to destructive.

point we see the environment seems to follow the example with the rest of the way in which we choose to live. In denial. But once again, I've deviated from my path. Go back to what we're talking about, Johns Hopkins is right for the patient cancer, the pattern we eat help to determine the outcome and success of the whole of our care. I mean in case You missed is that You don't have to wait for the event life-changing to start taking care better of themselves and take responsibility for Your health, which means pay attention to the habit of eating as well as the quality of the food eaten. If You are responsible for the family, You have a duty to ensure that family is provided for right. I have a few very simple here, change the habit of eating You now to invest a little 'time, energy and thinking to the future and the return on the investment will cost lower in the future in the health and life longer and happier for the people they are responsible for.

I don't know what the cure for cancer is the hope that someone will find it and make it available for anyone and everyone who needs it regardless of the situation or health care financial plans. This I know for sure, lung cancer is the main among all types of cancer. Diet, chemotherapy, radiation and other alternative found of value must be explored when it comes to treatment. Until this time the only guaranteed treatment for lung cancer that I know to be 100% effective is to avoid to survive.

Find test detection early (Respiragene is the only one I know) along with the program feel free the strong one (there are programs available out there) if You are a person who smoke. Review diet You and change the habit of eating You if it is necessary to be more healthy. A little 'exercise and some vitamins and probably the immune system You will stay at a level that allows You to avoid a lot of diseases changed the life. Take the money You would spend game PlayStation next to You was 6 years and build him a sandbox or swings is not set. I believe that children are active and allowed to get their hands dirty reduce their chances for health issues-term medium and long.

Of course, there's no accounting for the genetic that makes us all individuals and many times is the catalyst in the primary determine we will be more vulnerable to what. What I'm talking about is controlling things in Your life that You can control to reduce the possibility of having to make decisions of life and death about the medication. Who knows, maybe we can change the way we are this moment and set a good example for generations to come.

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