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Wednesday, August 10, 2016

The fact important about lung cancer what you should know

The fact important about lung cancer what you should know

Lung cancer has been divided in accordance with aspects of the morphology of the cells under the microscope. The building blocks of the body's cells. With the need for the body to keep cells healthy grow, divide and multiply. Sometimes cells divide in between them, even if there's no need to recopy, and mass cells extra forming a tumor or cancer. growth that fast and out of control of cells the lungs called lung cancer. Two forms are lung cancer cell, small and non-cell small.

Treatment is different with each type of cancer in the lungs because it spreads in a different way. lung cancer not the cells are small, are spread and grow slowly, is the most common of the two. karsinoma sel skuamosa, adenokarsinoma, and karsinoma sel big three main kinds of cancer. lung cancer cells are small, also known as cancer cell oat, not so common. Cancer this type spreads quickly and can reach various organs of the body.

At this time, the cancer this type has terakreditasi a form of cancer that is most deadly in countries advanced a lot, including the United States where 170.000 people died because of this disease every year. Lung cancer takes many years to develop together even if the change of the lungs started immediately after exposure karsinogen.

The prime cause is breathing karsinogen through the cigarette smoke of smokers and non-smokers. Cigarette with the exposure environment against randon compounds the risk of cancer. Besides this, it is considered as a risk of the job between people who work in industrial asbestos, which was defined as cancer of the mesothelioma in the lungs.

Lung cancer mainly affects people over fifty and they also have a habit of smoking for long. Depending on the location of the tumor in the lungs, the symptoms vary. cough chronics, pain the chest, shortness of breath, and infection lungs over and over are some of the symptoms common.

Diagnosis the tumour is based on symptoms, history of smoking, history of family and exposure before the substance of work and the environment. Diagnosis confirmation can be done by rontgen chest. To determine the stadium's cancer for a few tests available to diagnose lung cancer not cells little or small. professional medical tend to diagnose whether cancer terlokalisir in the lungs or has spread to other parts of Your body.

Stop smoking is the best way to prevent to begin with cancer in the lungs. You gradually can lower the risk of cancer in the lungs more 10-15 years as a restore of Your lungs, if You quit smoking at age early.

The treatment of cancer in the lungs can happen by chemotherapy (cell-cancer cells can be destroyed by drugs), radioterapi (to eliminate cell-cell tumour of the x-rays dose high or light energetic high other) or surgery (removal of cancer). The treatment of the final stages is difficult with the level of success of the moderates in the early stages of the treatment of cancer in the lungs.

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