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Monday, August 15, 2016

Lung Cancer - Warning Signs and Symptoms

This is the most deadly of all the cancers in the world lung cancer is considered as the leading cause of death among men and women in the United States that are the most universal cancer in men in the whole world and form the fifth cancer most common in women.

In terms of medical, the transformation of evil and the expansion network of the lungs causes cancer in the lungs, in plain words, growth acceleration of the cells is abnormal in the lungs that leads to cancer can start anywhere in the lungs and cause trouble breathing, tissue healthy are destroyed and invaded and the whole body is influenced.

When examined under the microscope by lung cancer pathologists can be of two kinds, namely: '

or cell small lung cancer (SCLC): cancer this kind of 20% from lung cancer with smoking is one cause of the most common for SCLC.
or Non-small lung Cancer cells (NSCLC): NSCLC is responsible for 80% of the tumor the lungs, which have related symptoms. This includes karsinoma sel skuamosa (also called karsinoma epidermoid), karsinoma sel big, adenokarsinoma and karsinoma sel skuamosa.

the treatment of cancer (lung) varies because it is based on an exact location and level of deployment. Usually, there's no sign of the real or symptoms in the early stages, as happens only during the phase of settlement.

It's only on routine chest x-ray or CT scan that cancer (in the lungs) in the form of lesi coins, detected in the form of cancer that look like coins. Some of the symptoms of cancer (lung) include:

or coughing constantly gets bad from time to time
or eksaserbasi cough chronics are there
or coughing blood
Trouble breathing or shortness of breath accompanied the sound husky and dyspnoea
or pain the chest constantly
or attack bronkitis or pneumonia over and over and over
neck and face swelling or
or decrease in weight that can't be explained and / or exhaustion

Some of the symptoms other associated with advanced cancer (lung) include:

or headaches, pain bones, aching joints, bleeding or penggumpalan blood,
or broken bones not related to injury,
or symptoms of neurological abnormality - unstable walking and / or memory loss intervallic.

The number of death caused by cancer (lung) is greater than the sum total of deaths due to colon, his prostate, ovarium, the sap white and breast cancer together. About 85% of cases of lung cancer are caused by smoking. It was based on a correlation between the number of cigarettes smoked and the number of years to enjoy the deputy. However, the risk of developing lung cancer can be subtracted to quit smoking, 90% of lung cancer is because of the use of tobacco.

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